The Elkhart Education Foundation awarded $12,500 to several projects pitched by Elkhart Community Schools teachers through the first round of Innovative Teaching Grants.

Tracy Korn, Elkhart Central english teacher, left, and Elizabeth Sokolowski mingle at an awards ceremony for Elkhart Education Foundation grants Wednesday, Feb. 18, 2015, in Elkhart County. The foundation awarded eight grants totaling $12,500. Korn will put her $1,000 grant to the North Side Middle School robotics team, which is competing in a state finals contest Saturday. Sokolowski will put her $1,000 grant to buying art supplies for an Art Reach mentoring program between high school students and at risk elementary or middle school students. (Nick Gonzales/The Elkhart Truth)

Just a year and a half after it was founded, the Elkhart Education Foundation is beginning to drive innovation in the classroom.

A handful of Elkhart Community Schools teachers were chosen to receive a chunk of a $12,500 Innovative Teaching Grant through the EEF.

Those teachers were handed big checks to hang in their classroom and recognized in a reception Wednesday, Feb. 18.

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