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We’re Grateful for our 2022 Sponsors

June 6 - July 29, 2022

All Camp Spots are Filled

Camp Schedule

7:00-8:00 AM
Before Care & Arrival

8:00-11:00 AM
Camp Sessions

11:00 AM-12:00 PM
Lunch & Recess

12:00-3:00 PM
Camp Sessions

3:00-4:00 PM
Dismissal & After Care


Summerscape is a summer learning program of the Elkhart Education Foundation. Summerscape is open to all K-6 (completed) students including out-of-district. Each camp session has a unique theme and a specially designed curriculum that’s fun, engaging, and educational. All camps are taught by certified teachers and assisted by classified staff and junior counselors. The weekly tuition includes a free camp t-shirt, snacks, field trip fees, and Before & After Care. Lunch is provided or campers can bring their own lunch. We have payment plans.


Campers are car riders or bus riders.

Car riders are students that are dropped off or picked up directly from North Side.

Bus riders are students enrolled in Elkhart Community Schools and meet the ECS school bus at their local elementary school. Buses will only pickup or drop off at an elementary school. Parents/guardians must reserve a seat on the bus by answering the transportation questions on the registration form.

Out-of-district students cannot ride the ECS school bus.

Email: Phone: (574) 320- 2629

Help Elkhart Students Learn, Explore, and Grow

Elkhart Community Schools (ECS) have partnered with us to provide Summerscape to ALL ECS students. However, the funding doesn’t cover the true cost to provide our engaging educational enrichment activities for the summer. You have the power to spark adventure through learning. Donate today!

My girls had an amazing experience at Summerscape. It opened their eyes to new experiences like fishing and art museums, it stretched their creativity with activities like nature sculptures and clue-based problem solving, and it strengthened their social skills by meeting new kids every week, working together in groups, and making friends. We even met some kids who live on our street, but attend another school - an added and unexpected bonus - new neighborhood friends!


My kids learned so much this summer. They had access to the best teachers and endearing teen helpers. They couldn’t wait to go every day and didn’t want to leave in the afternoon. The best part was…they could tell me all about everything they were learning.

My son learned things that he was able to share with his family. We discovered how really good he was with robots and how this was an area that really interested him. I was worried at first that he wouldn’t be able to keep up his focus with the group but Miles surprised us all by his focus which really showed us how interested he was! As a result, we are seriously thinking of purchasing a robot/ oz-bot for Christmas since he really enjoyed it so much!