Programs That Prepare Students for Life!
By promoting involvement in extracurricular activities and special programs, the Elkhart Education Foundation is dedicated to assisting students in finding their “spark” and developing their passion to help pursue college and future job tracks.
Higher Test Scores
Research proves that participation in student activities increases students’ standardized test scores, GPAs, graduation rates, college acceptance rates and college success rates.
Positive Impact
School-age students benefit from the influence of positive mentors and coaches when spending time in character-building activities.
Improving Our Community
Developing a premier school district with Elkhart County Schools helps ensure that college graduates and professionals return home to Elkhart to start businesses and raise families.
Elkhart Education Foundation Extracurricular Grants
- Review the grant application process before applying. Please note the grant committee requires the primary grant applicant to attend an EEF Grantwriting Workshop within 12 months of the application date. A certificate of completion from EEF confirms this requirement is met. Co-applicants are encouraged to attend. Contact the Executive Director with any questions.
- Click and read each of the links on the grant menu! (Please note, the process has changed!)
- Click the link at the bottom of this page to complete the grant application. Be sure to answer all questions!
- Email your completed Signature Page to (
form linked in the menu to the right). - We may contact you via email with questions; answer them promptly.
- We will send our acceptance or denial letter via email according to the timeline provided here.
Online Application
Grant Timeline
2021-2022 Winter Extracurricular Grants
February 1, 2022 Deadline for online grant application and signature page. Must be sent via email to by 5:00 p.m. (EST)
REQUIREMENT: The primary grant applicant must attend an EEF Grantwriting Workshop within 12 months of the application date. A certificate of completion from EEF confirms this requirement is met. Co-applicants are encouraged to attend. Contact the Executive Director at with any questions.
Grant Guidelines
Purpose: The evidence is overwhelming and quite compelling: Participation in student activities increases students’ standardized test scores, GPAs, graduation rates, college acceptance rates and college success rates. Additionally, it practically eliminates the likelihood that a student will choose to drop out of high school.
The Elkhart Education Foundation is committed to filling in the budgetary gaps in order to keep these engaging extra-curricular activities available for ALL students.
Persons Eligible to Apply for Grants: Coaches, Club Moderators, Directors, Teachers, and Administrators that are directly responsible for a school sanctioned extracurricular activity (athletics, arts, clubs).
Eligible Proposals: Teams, Clubs or Programs that take place during the Spring Season (March-June) or beyond. (If you are a Fall Sport or Program, please apply in the next grant cycle due July 1st) Grants may fund any activity or materials that support higher levels of student achievement and character education.
Requirement: The primary grant applicant must attend an EEF Grantwriting Workshop within 12 months of the application date. A certificate of completion from EEF confirms this requirement is met. Co-applicants are encouraged to attend. Contact the Executive Director with any questions.
Award of Funds: Grants of up to $1,000 will be awarded for an individual team or club. Grants up to $5000 will be awarded for a department or program. The number of awards will depend on funds available from EEF.
Selection Criteria:
- The degree to which the grant supports the District/Department goals and the Elkhart Education Foundation Action Plan and is specifically designed to address an area of need substantiated by data.
- The number of students impacted.
- The degree to which the proposal is clear and logical, including (a) specificity of objectives; (b) clarity of description of procedures, and (c) specificity of budget.
Grant Process
- Application forms may be obtained online through the web page.
- It is no longer necessary to obtain school board approval in advance of submitting your application to EEF (this is only true of EEF grants). Simply submit your application through our online system and email your signature page to us. We will take care of the rest. Any questions with the procedure should be directed to your building administrator.
- Applications will be reviewed and commented on by the Grant Application Review Committee.
- If recommended for approval, the application is presented to the Board of Directors of EEF in summary form for review and formal approval.
- Applicants will be notified of decisions by the date specified by the committee.
Responsibilities of Grant Recipients:
- Use the awards for the purposes intended.
- Funds must be expended by the end of the season immediately following award notification.
- Project must be fully implemented and final report submitted to EEF before recipients can submit an application for another grant or within 6 months, whichever comes first.
- Agree to share successful procedures & successes in staff development sessions.
- Any purchases that can be made through Amazon, must be made through benefiting the Elkhart Education Foundation
- You must provide EEF with pictures and/or video of your project in action
- Organizations that are granted funds will PAY IT FORWARD by completing 3 hours of community service as a group. The organization is required to seek out these opportunities and provide evidence to EEF that the hours have been completed. The Community Service Hours must be complete within 3 months of the distribution of funds.
When applying for a grant, please remember the following:
- Grants are to be used to fund projects that cannot be provided for in the school and district budgets.
- Objectives and outcomes should be consistent with the goals of your school and the district.
- When creating your budget, research carefully and be realistic. Small grants are just as likely to be awarded as large grants. Partial funding will be considered. Funds will not be awarded for budgeted items available from district resources.
- Provide a detailed budget and only ask for what you need!
- Grant Applications should be submitted via the electronic online application found at the bottom of this page with supporting materials emailed to by the deadline.
Tips for a Successful Application
Grant Writing 101 (Download PDF)
Statement of Need
- Keep the statement simple and straightforward.
- Show how project relates to the Elkhart Education Foundation Goals and Action Plan. (see
- Limit the number of objectives.
- Imply or state evaluation in the statement of objectives.
- Be specific.
Description of Proposed Project/Activity:
- Describe the problem or issue addressed.
- Show how the project supports the purpose.
- List steps to be followed in project implementation.
- Relate project to need and objectives.
- Be specific.
- Relate to stated objectives.
- Indicate how you will know whether the project was successful.
- What data will be collected and used in the evaluation process
- Be specific
- Are there others who will participate in this project? (CIS, Rotary, Lion’s Club)
- What will their roles be?
- Only ask for exactly the amount you need for the project to be successful
- Provide a detailed budget! For instance, don’t just list “supplies = $5000” please itemize your request carefully.
- Be sure to do your research before submitting your proposal to find the best prices for the items you are requesting.