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Innovative Teaching Grants

The Elkhart Education Foundation is proud to support ECS by providing grant money to educators who have developed engaging lesson plans that promote curiosity and a love for learning.

*NOTE: Grants are only available to Elkhart Community Schools!


Students impacted since 2015



Increase in pre/post test data


Increase in student engagement

Innovative Teaching Grants Awarded

2014-2015 School Year: Spring

2015-2016 School Year: Fall | Spring

2016-2017 School Year: Fall | Spring

2017-2018 School Year: Fall | No Distribution

2018-2019 School Year: Fall I Spring


  1. Review the grant application process before applying. Click and read each of the links on the grant menu! (Please note, the process has changed!)
  2. Click the link at the bottom of this page to complete the grant application. Be sure to answer all questions!
  3. Email with the signature page (linked in the menu to the right). *Note: it is no longer necessary to submit a board approval form!
  4. We may contact you via email with questions; answer them promptly.
  5. We will send our acceptance or denial letter via email according to the timeline provided here.

Online Application

EEF grants are only available to Elkhart Community Schools.
Grant Timeline

2019-2020 Spring (2nd Semester) Teaching Grant


October 15, 2019 - Grant Due Date (before 5pm)

October 16-November 15, 2019 - Review from EEF Grant Committee

November 20, 2019 - EEF Board Vote

November 26, 2019 - ECS Board Approval

December 2-6, 2019 - Letters due to grant applicants 

December 13, 2019 - Funds available and schedule check presentations

Grant Guidelines

Purpose: Innovative Teaching Grants are designed to encourage, facilitate, recognize and reward innovative and creative instructional approaches to the accomplishment of program objectives. The Elkhart Education Foundation (EEF) is offering teachers and administrators the opportunity to apply for grants to support innovative programs or projects to support higher levels of student learning. The grants must enhance student academic performance and support the objectives, goals, and initiatives of Elkhart Community Schools.

Persons Eligible to Apply for Grants: Individuals or teams of individuals employed by Elkhart Community Schools who are involved in the instruction of students or related support services benefiting students.

Eligible Proposals: Instructional approaches or projects designed to begin during the current school year and which meet the selection criteria. Grants may fund instructional and classroom materials, parent involvement programs, or any activity or material which supports higher levels of student academic achievement, engagement and character education.

Award of Funds: Grants of up to $1,000 will be awarded to individual teacher initiated programs or projects. Grants of up to $5,000 will be awarded to campus teams, departments and district initiated programs or projects. The number of awards will depend on funds available from EEF.

Selection Criteria:

  • The degree to which the grant supports the District goals and the Elkhart Education Foundation Action Plan and is specifically designed to address an area of need substantiated by data.
  • The degree to which student academic performance is emphasized.
  • The degree to which sound evaluation procedures are incorporated in the proposal and substantiated by data.
  • The degree to which the proposal represents a creative or innovative approach to the accomplishment of objectives.   Funds are not typically available for recurring programs/projects. (The proposal should address a new project as opposed to one accomplished or under way.)
  • The degree to which the proposal is clear and logical, including (a) specificity of objectives; (b) clarity of description of instructional procedures, methods or treatments; and (c) correspondence among evaluative procedures, objectives and treatments.
Grant Process

Selection Process:

  1. Application forms may be obtained online through the web page.
  2. Submit your application online and email the signature page to before the deadline. *Note: It is no longer necessary to submit a board approval form.
  3. Applications will be reviewed and commented on by the Grant Application Review Committee.
  4. If recommended for approval, the application is presented to the Board of Directors of EEF in summary form for review and formal approval.
  5. Applicants will be notified of decisions by the date specified by the committee.

Responsibilities of Grant Recipients:

  • Use the awards for the purposes intended.
  • Funds must be expended by the end of the semester immediately following award notification. Projects awarded must be fully implemented by the end of the following semester.
  • Project must be fully implemented and final report submitted to EEF before recipients can submit an application for another grant or within 1 year, whichever comes first.
  • Agree to share successful procedures & successes in staff development sessions.
  • Any purchases that can be made through Amazon, must be made through benefiting the Elkhart Education Foundation
  • You must provide EEF with pictures and/or video of your project in action
  • You must complete the wrap-up form and responsibilities within a year of grant distribution or before applying for another grant, whichever comes first.

When applying for a grant, please remember the following:

  • Grants are to be used to fund projects that cannot be provided for in the school and district budgets.
  • Objectives and outcomes should be consistent with the goals of your school and the district.
  • When creating your budget, research carefully and be realistic. Small grants are just as likely to be awarded as large grants. Partial funding will be considered. Funds will not be awarded for budgeted items available from district resources.
  • Provide a detailed budget and only ask for what you need!
  • Projects awarded must be fully implemented by the end of the following semester.
  • Grant Applications should be submitted via the electronic online application found at the bottom of this page with supporting materials emailed to by the deadline.
Tips for a Successful Application

Grant Writing 101 (Download PDF)

Statement of Need:

  • Describe the area of student achievement you wish to address and give any data that supports the need. Please include how this grant addresses district and campus goals.
  • Keep the statement simple and straightforward.
  • Show how the project relates to the Elkhart Education Foundation Goals and Action Plan. (see


  • Limit the number of objectives.
  • Imply or state evaluation in the statement of objectives.
  • Be specific.

Description of Proposed Project/Activity:

  • Describe the problem or issue addressed.
  • Show how the project supports the purpose.
  • List steps to be followed in project implementation.
  • Relate project to need and objectives.
  • Be specific.


  • Relate to stated objectives.
  • Provide measurable objectives that can be assessed with data.
  • Indicate how you will know whether the project was successful.
  • Be specific


  • Are there others who will participate in this project? (CIS, Rotary, Lion’s Club)
  • This is likely an important part of the project’s sustainability
  • What will their roles be?


  • Only ask for exactly the amount you need for the project to be successful
  • Provide a detailed budget! For instance, don’t just list “supplies = $5000” please itemize your request carefully.
  • Be sure to do your research before submitting your proposal to find the best prices for the items you are requesting.

Download Signature Page

Print, Sign & Return

Grant Evaluation and Follow-Up

Complete and submit the grant evaluation form before the specified date on your grant contract. Failure to turn in this form will put a hold on future grant requests. Questions? email

Grant Evaluation Form

Complete Grant Evaluation Here